
2. Useful Tips for “Thinking Deeply”

2. Useful Tips for “Thinking Deeply”

It’s common for our minds to feel foggy. Various words float around. Language that won’t become words emerges and disappears. How can we organize our mind and think deeply?

Indispensable relation between thoughts and words

Thoughts are formed by words, and emotions can be put into words. From there, let’s try putting into words the images and intuitions that come to our minds. Let’s try our best to put it into words. Let’s try to put it into words the second it rises to the surface. Talk is cheap, however, and this language will continue to flicker without becoming distinct if left in the mind, so begin to write.

Write your emotions without reservation

Even if bad thoughts about this or that come to mind, write them without concern. “Without concern” means write people’s names, or desirous or hateful or bitter things, exactly as they are. Find a way to work through unpleasant feelings and begin writing. Having done that, after expelling it all out, strangely enough, you will become able to be just a little more forward-looking. Here’s an example of what that might look like:

Why doesn’t my boss let me do that project? Is there something about me he’s not satisfied with? Last time, too, he didn’t pass on the project I raised my hand for.
Even though I definitely would have done a good job.
I wonder why he didn’t have me do it.
Why does he never pass these on to me?
I wonder if they don’t have high hopes for me in this division.
However, yesterday he praised me quite a bit. That was unusual. Maybe I’m appreciated more than I think.
Maybe there’s a different reason for my not being given those projects.
Unless—maybe there’s some different project he’s considering me for?
I’m probably overthinking it. But still.
I guess fretting over it won’t help anything.
Tomorrow, I’ll try asking him directly!

There may be times your mood doesn’t change, no matter how much you write. Nevertheless, in most cases, when you set out to write without reservation, in the end your feelings will be a little clearer. As a result of writing out what you want to say without hesitation regardless of what others might think of your words, you will feel refreshed. This is the same as how shedding tens of thousands of tears after a horrible heartbreak allows you to begin moving forward again.

Why is putting into words your thoughts so important?

As you grow used to putting images and intuitions into words, you will become increasingly able to express your feelings and thoughts without strain. What you want to say will quickly come out, so there will be no stress. You will be able to express yourself in writing without hesitating over things like word choice. As you continue on, you will become more and more capable of expressing yourself smoothly. When you are able to express yourself smoothly, you can communicate with others easily, whether that be at work or in private matters.

In many jobs, work proceeds through the piecemeal accumulation of conversational and email exchanges. Progress becomes easy if these are performed with accuracy and without undue restraint. If problems deteriorate from time to time, this is due to countermeasures delayed by excessive restraint and indecision—problems and discrepancies which could have been resolved early on but were neglected. As long as these problems are not neglected, appropriate, necessary action can be taken. Once you’re able to use words freely and precisely, these will all end in your favor.

You can acquire these abilities by training

Steadily deepening your thinking, presenting all of the options then evaluating and arranging them in order of priority—the truth is that things like this are the same as weight training in that the more you train, the more powerful you become.

Those who have finished reading “Zero Second Thinking” and begun ten-pages-a-day note-taking, in a few weeks’ time, will get effects like those of weight training. As a result of this training, your mental organizational skills will soar, and you will grow able to use precise language. With training, anyone can do it.

All of us can, in accordance with training, think magnitudes deeper, understand the meaning of words exactly right, and acquire a command of language.

▶Next: How much time is spent thinking and making decisions?

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Chapter 1 : Tips for “Thinking”
Chapter 2 : Humans Can Think in Zero Seconds
Chapter 3 : The Note-taking Method for Cultivating Zero Second Thinking
Chapter 4 : Utilizing Notes to the Fullest Extent
Chapter 5 : Organizing and Utilizing Notes

▼Article series on “Zero Second Thinking”
1. The World’s Simplest Way to Improve Your Thinking
2. Useful Tips for “Thinking Deeply”
3. How Much Time Is Spent Thinking and Making Decisions?
4. Humans Are Intelligent Enough to Think in Zero Second
5. Optimal Note-Taking Way to Gain Maximum Effect
6. Further Potential of Note-Taking
7. Things to Do After Writing Notes
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